O uso de pequenas narrativas como recurso argumentativo para a construção de posicionamentos emocionais:

Uma análise de um debate regrado na aula on-line de Língua Portuguesa durante a pandemia de Covid-19


  • Carolina Scali Abritta Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Lívia Miranda de Oliveira
  • Carlos Wagner Marinelle Francisco




Teoria do Posicionamento , Debate regrado, Pequenas narrativas, Sala de aula, Covid-19


This article uses Positioning Theory (Harré; Van Langenhove, 1999) and Micronarrative Theory (Georgakopoulou, 2006)as a theoretical basis, to analyze the production of positions by 9th grade students involved in a regulated debate on remote teaching in the context of the Brazilian public school in times of the coronavirus pandemic. It was demonstrated, through the analysis of the oral data generated and transcribed according to the assumptions of the Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (LODER, 2008), the argumentative and counter-argumentative use of small oral narratives and also the use of emotion for the construction of student positions in the course of the oral debate. The result of a dissertation developed within PROFLETRAS, it stands out with contributions from this work: the appreciation of oral argumentation, the use of short narratives and the education of emotions in the Portuguese language classroom.


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Dossiê - A pesquisa no PROFLETRAS: formações e ações no contexto escolar