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Shared actions for use and conservation of Billings and Barra Bonita reservoirs




Hydroelectric plants, Shared management, Multiple uses of water


The water reservoirs, in addition to guaranteeing the potential of hydroelectric plants, contribute to the public supply of many cities located close to their water domains. In the perspective of a qualitative research, this article aims to critically analyze the shared management of the Billings reservoir and the Barra Bonita reservoir, both located in the State of São Paulo, seeking to understand the conflicts that involve the use of the reservoirs and to analyze the factors that result in the main environmental liabilities involved. The general hypothesis supports the idea that shared management can subsidize the reduction of environmental liabilities in the reservoirs. This is a research carried out through the analysis of actions performed by companies controlled by public and private authorities. The analysis of the results was guided by theoretical and experimental references. As a methodology, interviews were applied to representatives of Emae, Cetesb, Sabesp and AES-Tietê. The results identified difficulties in conducting a shared management between users and operators of the reservoirs, and from such analysis, it will be possible to develop measures that reduce the environmental liabilities that affect the reservoirs.


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Author Biography

Daniel Almeida, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Estado de São Paulo

Daniel Ladeira Almeida

Bacharel e licenciado em Geografia com ênfase em Gestão Ambiental e Territorial - PUC-CAMPINAS

Especialista em Ensino de Geografia - UNESP - Presidente Prudente

Mestrado em Energia - UFABC

Doutorado em Energia - UFABC

Professor efetivo da rede estadual de ensino - São Paulo




How to Cite

Almeida, D. (2020). Shared actions for use and conservation of Billings and Barra Bonita reservoirs. Revista Verde Grande: Geografia E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(01).