An analysis of the social impact of alcohol abuse on the family


  • Adão Almeida Faculdades Santo Agostinho
  • Adircio Fernandes Faculdades Santo Agostinho
  • Francely Santos Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes)


The described studyit has for purpose to analyze the social impact of the abusive useof the alcoholin the family, beetled that the consequences ofthis analysis had also happened on the performanceof the team of the Social service of CAPS-ad (Attention Center of Social Psico dependents of the Alcohol and other Drugs), located at Montes Claros city MG,verifying as if processes the and the interventions of these actors partners acting next to family of the abusive users of the alcohol, attended for the described institution. It fits to calling atention that the institution family since the has suffering transformations from diverse orders, in this sense phenomensasalcoholism is each time more frequentin the coreof this secular institution of base that a priori it would have to be the maintainer ofthem and indispensabie the survival of its members. Unfortunately the reality of some Brazilian families, mainly that victmated for the phenomeno nofalcoholism is very weil wide of the social pubiic agenda that long ago does not obtain to offer ace a place of positive prominence in a society of individualistic character. It is known that the phenomenon ofalcoholism beyond affecting the abusive user also is capable to dismantle ali the intrafamiliar dynamics. In this context of fragilized relations the professional of the social service acts as mechanism capable to provoke changes, making with that these families identify its degree of coresponsibility in the arduous process of treatment that involves its alcoholic being. Frorn this study one evidenced that the impact happened of the abusive use of the alcohol is anchoredin diverse factors that undermine the dynamics to intrafamilyFrom this study one evidenced that the social impact happened of the abusive use of the alcohol is anchored in diverse factors that shake the dynamics to intrafamily The used methodology was a revision of literature followed of a documentary research, culminating in a quantiqualitativ approachment, being still guided the focus ofthe fenomenology, andstill used a field e research with application of half interviews structuralized the families and questionnaires the team to multidisciplinary of the CAPS-ad. In this mannerthe farnilies must be instigated to approachto the treatment process and they have to proposals specific actions that assist in the treatment ofthe abusive user ofthe alcohol. This study it points exactly despite although ali the limitations the families recognize to be ofextreme importance the work developed for the CAPS-ad.

Keywords: Family. Intrafamiliar dynamics. Alcoholism. Social servisse. CAPS-ad.


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