Woman conspirator for rebellion: Alicia Eguren in the women's militias from 1955 to 1957

Woman conspirator for rebellion: Alicia Eguren in the women's militias from 1955 to 1957





Women, Militias, Dictatorship, Argentina


On September 16, 1955, a civil-military coup overthrew the government of Juan Domingo Perón. This led to the proscription of the party, which prompted an underground resistance for more than a decade. In the origins of this expression of antidictatorial resistance in Argentina, we find a legendary woman of this insurrectionary line of Peronism. Alicia Graciana Eguren was a fervent agitator, and her leadership was based on this collective subversion of a military regime that persecuted and imprisoned her for almost two years immediately after the coup was unleashed. To reconstruct the origins of this leadership in the constitution of women's militias against the 1955 coup, the sources of the underground militancy and her own writings in prison will be considered.


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Author Biography

Paula Andrea Lenguita, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. Post-doctorate at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Independent researcher for the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. Coordinator of the Program for Critical Studies on the Labor Movement of the Center for Labor Studies and Research. Compiler of the book: "La resistencia de las mujeres en gobiernos autoritarios: Argentina y Brasil (1955-1969)" in 2020 and of the book "68 Obrero en Argentina y Brasil: 50 años después" in 2018. Postgraduate professor at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina and the Federal University of Latin American Integration in Brazil. E-mail: paulaandrealenguita@gmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6665-0554.


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How to Cite

Lenguita, P. A. (2023). Woman conspirator for rebellion: Alicia Eguren in the women’s militias from 1955 to 1957: Woman conspirator for rebellion: Alicia Eguren in the women’s militias from 1955 to 1957. Caminhos Da História, 28(2), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v28n2p.9-23